Quick reference Commands: +x:c Read x from c !x:c Replicated read x from c *x Create a new channel x -x:c Write x to c (P) Fork P *x:y Alias y as x {f -i +o} Function call shorthand: *io -:f -i:io +o:io Expressions: name Channel name (can't start with a number, must match ([\w#$]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')* ) number nth most recently created channel - 0 is most recent [P] Expression shorthand: Evaluates process and returns last created channel [x|P] Expression shorthand: Evaluates process and returns channel named x [[P]] Unevaluated shorthand: [*(!r P -:r)] [[*self !io +i -o|P]] Unevaluated w/ signature: [*self(!io +i:io P -o:io)] Builtins: I/O: Read from i to input, write to o to output literals: true, false, #number, "string" math: plus, minus, times, div comparison: lt, le, gt, ge, eq, neExamples:
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